They have a long lacey cuff, and were knit all over Houston, during a morning breakfast with baby, during a quiet dinner with Daughter, at home with a glass of wine and tv in the background, in front of Baby (owie, Namaa, when he saw all the pointed dpns) on the bay window of the second floor..................
Friday, April 30, 2010
Birthday Socks
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Bubbles with Grandson
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
More Socks!!
The BEST LYS Ever!
New Baby Knits

Here she is trying to knit while being tempted with freshly baked cookies. Grow Brooklyn, grow!
Biggest Chess Game Ever
Knitting on Vacation
Yes, I had the BEST two weeks ever, playing with a delightful eighteen month old chatterbox who also happens to be the most adorable grandson in the world. As always, I have knitting nearby and Grandson says, "owie" while pointing to the double point needles. He also says, "Namaa's stuff, yarn" related to the knitting. I thoroughly enjoyed frequent breaks from knitting to play with this cute toddler.
Here we are having a special mid-morning breakfast. Note the knitting at hand but crayons with Grandson take priority.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Continental Knitting
I've tried countless times to become quicker with continental style knitting but always revert back to my self-taught English style because I'm so quick. This morning I watched Jennifer Ackerman's video about four times in efforts to copy her hands, how they hold the yarn and adjust tension, and how to switch from knit to purl to yo to ssk. Okay, to force myself to become faster, Jeff's scarf will be knit with continental knitting. I'm using Stephanie Pearl-McPhee scarf pattern and here's the start. It's hard to describe how clumsy my hands feel and must look!
Visit Grandson
Tomorrow I fly to visit Big Kids and baby grandson. So yesterday, I went for a Swedish massage to take care of "knitter's shoulders" and all the other small aches and pains. I promised myself I wouldn't lift grandson very much! Ha! As always, knitting goes with me and I plan to finish these socks at the airport and en route.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Lolo Knit Puppy and Taggies Blankie
I get to visit Toddler grandson this Wednesday and can hardly wait. He is such a fun baby and so interactive with his "Namaa." Plus, he shares his house with two huge sisters, the four legged kind. One knit pup is finished, complete with dog collar and Taggies blankie, and resembles Lolo (aka Zoe), the blonde family dog. And yes, I will eventually knit a black pup, as soon as I find where my black yarn is stored.
Due to his age, there are no buttons to fasten the blankie. If he wants that option in the future, it can easily be modified. Things have to be easy and simple or busy Mom will be working even harder to help fasten things on toys. No need for that right now!
Friday, April 9, 2010
He's Home
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Birthday Yarn
Okay, I'm the most spoiled birthday woman! This is such a cool colorway and these socks will go with all my wardrobe. I wanted the fabric tight so am using size 1 dpns. In spite of the small needles, the sock is going quickly; I'll knit until hubby's late flight lands. Can't wait for him to be home as he will have lots of fun news to share!
Cold Front and New Socks
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Another Reversible Bunny and Duck
Baby LOVES his Easter present of knitted Reversible Bunny and Duck. In December, his favorite taggies blanket was lost in travels, in New York, I think, and parents had to search madly for a replacement. Just in case Bunny/Duck becomes a favorite, I wanted to have a back up, a second one, just in case #1 gets lost. Here he is, just as cute as the original.
Mud and Park Sweater Update
I haven't knit on this in a very long time................. no reason, just a fact. Today I decided to finish the back and I probably could if needed but think I'll go to bed instead. I can finish the back tomorrow.
I knit the sleeves first and they have been done for over a month. The cute cardigan has pockets, a collar, as well as the right and left fronts. It shouldn't tke long to finish.
Knitting Always Helps
Received notice via mail yesterday that I must report to Jury Duty on April 19th. The e ticket was purchased a looonnngg time ago and is for the 14th with plans to stay a couple of weeks. It's so hard to talk to a person these days! First I tried the on-line services and the options did not apply to my circumstances so I was denied rescheduling.
This morning I phoned the 888 number, three different times and finally got a human voice, was put on hold, then a human voice again! Whew, the reschedule is for May 24th so I can plan to stay in Houston as was the original decision.
During this phone and wait and phone again, I knit a few rows on Brooklyn's hooded cardigan.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Lonely Bathtub
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Frightening Frog
Knitting To Avoid Missing Family
Happy Easter
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