Sunday, May 31, 2015

Poinsettia is Growing

We had two poinsettia plants at Christmas; I planted them in the garden in early May.  One is growing! The other looks sickly.
 The squirrel was digging in this pot of new Morning Glory plants.  I added garden rocks to discourage but doubt it will help. Somehow, the pot of daisies isn't attractive.

Sunny, 85 Degrees, #36

The heat feels so great! This guy was in my pot of new starts earlier; he had to go!

Doc Paints the Moped

Black and gold, Hawkeye colors

Robin, Morning Glories, #35

All is grand! There is no rain in the forecast until Friday.  Basements are dry, gardens are less soggy, plants are growing (as opposed to drowning!), Spring is totally inviting!
 Rabbits are everywhere; they nest in and eat the herbs and flowers.  Somehow, I don't mind them; squirrels are NOT welcome.  More rabbits mean fewer hawks and coyotes in the neighborhood.
 Blackie is huge and so tame; he appeared three weeks ago and is probably someone's pet.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Ketner Lake and Garden

 wow! so much water!  It is pouring as I type!! Pea sized hail is also falling.
 blue salvia
 front garden
 oh my! so high
water extends to the grasses where birds nest

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

#34 Brought Pincer Bug, More Rain

 Usually the pincer bugs attach themselves to squirrels when it's warmer and lots dryer.  Ick!
More thunder, more rain expected!

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Excess Of:

 water; check out the wet mulch! Glad we didn't get Houston's 11 inches of rain!!
 dolls, fabric, yarn, KEEP all!
good service; rare in the retail market these days!  Keep it!

Monday, May 25, 2015

Happy Memorial Day

Hurry! Mow quickly!! It's starting to thunder and more rain is on the way.  I think we've had enough rain for awhile.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

#33 and SUN!!!

 We have sun until this afternoon when rain is predicted at 100%.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

#32 = "Aw, Poor Squirrel"

 NOT!  He's not poor or harmed in any way!  Alexander has empathy; he's three!
It rained and now the sun is trying to dry the driveway.

#29-31 This Morning; Home Offices

 So many squirrels; some in my flower pots! We set up both cages, then one rowdy tree rat broke the smaller cage! Doc can fix it.

Now it is stormy so Doc is in the garage and I am in Santa's Workshop sewing doll undies.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Squirrel #28

 Doc arrived home from work just now; said he'd rather bake cookies than go to West View to drop of this tree rat.  Yay! Cookies!

Squirrel #27, DARK Clouds