Rabbits are still everywhere; their coloring blends with nature and they scamper away from people. On my walk there were 3 in our yard, two in Dennis' yard, and two in Whitney's yard. Our apple tree looks sick; maybe due to all the construction and no watering from us. The tree along the greenbelt, just a few houses past the weed growers, is doing quite well. The weed is at the stage where the grower uses the air conditioner. You can smell it along Moore street!
This is the year of skin! For both of us! The punch biopsy results are not in yet but the tiny black stitch was removed this morning and she was appalled at the blood blister from the "freeze" last Thursday. My hands get a workout so the right thumb clear "moles" were frozen also.
The sunflowers came from a workman; snack seeds were everywhere. The wasps are overly abundant all over the city. The pink Cosmos came from Becky, up the street. It either blew in the wind, or traveled with a bird or squirrel or bunny.
I bought the white at a nearby nursery to add color and the yellow day lily is from the edible garden purchase which was in the back yard for four years. The bobcat trashed everything but not before I transplanted some of the purchases!
It was 55 degrees but no wind. Fall is trying to arrive.
All done! The pic is upside down; we have TWO safety bars!!
Above the bars is a "niche" for soaps and shampoo and MORNING COFFEE! Yup, Doc spoils me!
We chose the tile, TWICE, because the first selection was ceramic and we had no idea how fragile it is. The tile you see is porcelain. Instead of wood base boards, we have tile!!
He wanted to work on some mowers; the construction materials are still hogging the garage.
The new shed arrives mid September and will be huge. He might be able to do some work there.
Off to Game Stop for birthday presents. We also had pizza on Friday night; then grilled burgers with cheesecake for dessert. We're both sort of disinterested in most cakes but cheesecake once a year is perfect. I suspect much of this will go to our work places.
Lots of odd tasks were done already this week, including removing the dryer vent from the crawl space. (horror story!) The bathroom door is installed, the mud in the shower is drying nicely.
John measured height for the grab bars; they are my request!!
The garage is now insulated well!!!
In the future, maybe the ceiling will be insulated and changed.
I love being married to the absolute best companion for life. I love being Mom, and now a Gramma. Grandbaby #2, a darling blonde chatterbox arrived on August 14, 2010. Grandbaby #3, a little boy, arrived on July 12, 2011. He is gorgeous! Baby sister arrived in August 2013 and what a beautiful baby! The most recent arrival is Augustine, 5th grandchild, born January 2014. Life is so good!