Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Yummy Birthday Treats

Thank you Kristine, Jerome, John Jeffrey, Brooklyn, and Augustine.  They tried to deliver yesterday but we had gone out for lunch during the time the delivery truck arrived at The Barn.  Delicious!!

Monday, August 28, 2017

Hot and Dry Colorado, Columbines

 While east Texas is submerged and rather chilly, we are having summer again. It's 90 and 12% humidity.
 I managed to plant a columbine from seeds from a friend.  Happiness!!
We sent to lunch for his birthday, then had home made chocolate cake and ice cream.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Hurricane Harvey

 Our families are safe and with power.  This is where daughter lived until 2011.  Downtown Houston.
This is our son's cul de sac today; rain will continue for 10 more days.  Whew!

Surprise Plant Is Removed

 The plant was leaning down and toughing the fence.
 Time to tell is good-bye.
 It's gone and Doc used his chipper to break it up.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Garden Surprise

It's getting droopy with the weight of the growths on the branches.  I'm hoping for blooms before it collapses!

Juki, Einstein, WHAT, Rainbows

 He wants to use the serger so inherited the Brother.  I have a new Juki!!!
 Einstein came to live with us!~ Thank you Sean, Yohaira, Alexander and Natasha!
 The Juki design is more similar to the Bernina and is QUIET!
 What is that huge plant??? Am waiting for it to do something before it topples.
I have never seen two rainbows like this!

Sunday, August 20, 2017

91 Degrees, 12% Humidity

 We LOVE this climate.
Leo is growing melons; he trades green grapes for eggs from the neighbor behind him!

Friday, August 18, 2017

Summer Returns

It's 90 degrees and 15% humdity...............for a few days.  Kids are back in school and are wearing shorts and t shirts.

Mower Man

After I texted Doc a pic of the neighbor's Toro that needed a tune up, he came home early to play!

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Bees, Road Repairs, Rain, Red Leaves

 Our streets are almost finished with repairs.  Yay
 There's been .1 inch of rain every day and it's causing the taller stalks to lean. Funny!

Leaves are beginning to change!

Monday, August 14, 2017

Frequent Rain, Changing Leaves

 Everything is green and lush................mostly.  Mushrooms are everywhere.
 This is the first tree along the greenbelt with changing leaves.  We love Fall!


 They share a birthday; one is four.........................
and the other is seven!  Happy Birthday sweet girls!

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Chilly Morning, then Rain

 It's a perfect temperature for early walks.  No coat but I do wear a wool hat.
 The rains and wind have blown leaves and part of a baby bird shell.
This was unexpected and welcome.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Coyotes Etc

 Workers are still repairing our neighborhood streets.
I took an umbrella for defense in case a coyote traveled on the greenbelt too. Jessie (English Spaniel) was walking his owner and Owner said he saw a coyote on Owens Street.  Close to the greenbelt!
 I saw one here yesterday at 1:30 PM.  They usually like dusk!!
 He stayed in the grass, not interested in the sidewalk area. Whew!
 Bunnies beware! You are destined to be dinner!
Bunnies like our gardens and I'm not surprised.  They are beautiful and tasty.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Street Work

 More rain occurred last night; the morning walk was dry and 55 degrees.
 Driving is slow in our neighborhood with all the street work being done..........before snow!
 This wildflower is Buffalo Bur and an annual plant.  The stickers would hurt!!
The purple blooms came from a package of seeds from the Sierra Club.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Dry Walk, Rainy Afternoon

 This is at 7AM and chilly but so lush and comfy with coat and hat.
 We needed this precipitation!
It started to thunder and rain at 3; at 3:45, the sun is shining and just a few drops are falling.

Monday, August 7, 2017