She produces a perfect little man, provides his nourishment and snuggly comfort. She caters to her man and mom/aka Gramma. She allocates a work space for Dad/ aka Grampa. She gardens: sweet basil, peppers, vinca, other flowers, and lots of tomatoes. She feeds first born "son" and Thor thanks her. The house is immaculate, dishes done, clothes are clean, beds made................... takes care of her big man and wee one...................... lets Gramma spoil the wee one................... and accepts and laughs when Thor licks and licks wee one's head! What a blessing you are to all of us!!
I love being married to the absolute best companion for life. I love being Mom, and now a Gramma. Grandbaby #2, a darling blonde chatterbox arrived on August 14, 2010. Grandbaby #3, a little boy, arrived on July 12, 2011. He is gorgeous! Baby sister arrived in August 2013 and what a beautiful baby! The most recent arrival is Augustine, 5th grandchild, born January 2014. Life is so good!
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