Monday, April 30, 2012

Thank You, John Jeffrey

You print your name so clearly!  Maybe you really should "skip age four" and go straight to five!!  I appreciate the RED, my favorite, and also the BLUE that is your favorite.

Somerset Park Needs Grandchildren

great park; we'll go here if weather permits

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Fun Sunday

7:30Mass, breakfast, working in yard, buying garden shoes (crocs), ice cream at Dairy Queen, more yard work, kntting on my sweater, wine on back patio.................tired!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Thank You, Brooklyn

I love your art! I love you!  Love, "mama"  (Refer to video of April 25th to see the little one creating independently.)

Nesting and Garden

great mother, still nesting outside of JO Ann Fabrics
We bought 400 pounds of dirt, yes DIRT, from Ace Hardware to fill in bare spots and garden planters.  His tomato plants are near the fence.  My flowers are close to the sliding back door so I can chase off the squirrels.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Favorite Things

LOVE Colorado Spring, flowers, and knitting!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Morning Ride, War with Squirrels

 seeds are coming up!
 in spite of marigolds, squirrels are still in the pot eating the seedlings!
and there is fresh food in the Right House and Left Brain!  No need to eat my seedlings!!!!

Work of the Hands

"Papa" is going to show the grands their art work in forty years!  Mom's first sock done.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Mom's Petals Socks

beautiful yarn from Sheep's Clothing in Kennewick, WA;  will try to knit by Mother's Day!

Always Knitting

I knit on little socks and adult socks while traveling.

Nesting Birds at Northglenn Shopping Center

A smart person roped off the area so the birds could care for their babies.

Sewing Classes

Trying to catch up from being gone Thursday - Saturday; adult classes until 1:00 and then kids until closing.

Washington Family