This is the heat machine used to iron on the transfers. Shirt colors include white, pink, or periwinkle. A book (20 different transfer to choose from!) shows how the transfer will appear on all three colors so there's no guess work involved. The lady is searching for my request: pink and long sleeves. You can choose short sleeves if you want. You may also have a people shirt done, short sleeves only, and in sizes small child through extra large adult. She carefully positions the shirt and transfer, and then lowers the heating element. People get to watch from the window. Voila! Ready! She places the shirt into a teeny tiny American Girl bag. Here is Emily modeling. The shirt is planned for Kit but alas, Kit is still in storage, along with Julie.
I love being married to the absolute best companion for life. I love being Mom, and now a Gramma. Grandbaby #2, a darling blonde chatterbox arrived on August 14, 2010. Grandbaby #3, a little boy, arrived on July 12, 2011. He is gorgeous! Baby sister arrived in August 2013 and what a beautiful baby! The most recent arrival is Augustine, 5th grandchild, born January 2014. Life is so good!
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