The first two pictures were taken on Sunday, March 13th. What is this shrub? The leaves unfurl similar to a cabbage! The red roots are firmly in the ground even though they resemble a berry that could roll away. This photo was taken today at 7:15 AM. The last three pics were taken at 1:45 today. All the snow is gone and look how cute these plants are! They've grown so much in just five days regardless of the confusing weather.
I love being married to the absolute best companion for life. I love being Mom, and now a Gramma. Grandbaby #2, a darling blonde chatterbox arrived on August 14, 2010. Grandbaby #3, a little boy, arrived on July 12, 2011. He is gorgeous! Baby sister arrived in August 2013 and what a beautiful baby! The most recent arrival is Augustine, 5th grandchild, born January 2014. Life is so good!